Hello!! all my dear visitors, welcome again in this domain bittutech.com. Today I am going to write a blog post for you and I hope you all are very excited to read this blog post, please give me your golden feedback for encourage my skill and blogging.
Today’s blog is fully dedicated to Writing and Compiling Python Program with Command line in Linux, so let’s see how you can write program with command lines.
It’s easy to create and run a Python program on Linux platform, you just have to do this–:
- Write your program code in a text editor.
- Save your program with .py extension.
- And then compile and run on the command prompt by giving appropriate command.
Note -: You can work with the GUI editor like sublime text, atom, brackets etc.
Firstly make sure that Python is installed on your LINUX Operating System or not, if however you don’t have Python on your operating system you can follow the instruction given below –:
I) To install Python on your LINUX operating system,
open the terminal or command prompt on your Linux based OS and then type the following commands–:
$ sudu apt-get update $ sudu apt-get install python3.6
Coding in text editor.
Table of Contents
- Open Sublime Text. Press the window key and search for sublime text, you will find an option to open Sublime text. click on the icon and it will appear on you system’s screen.
- Create a New File. or use command File→ New or press Ctrl+N on the keyboard.
- A new untitled file will open.
print("Hello World")

4. Now save the file with proper extension by using command File→Safe or press Ctrl+S from the keyboard, save dialogue appears, write the name of file and give an extension .py .

Compiling and Running the Code using the Terminal.
- Open the terminal. Press Ctrl+Alt+T from the keyboard a command prompt will appear in screen.
- Go to the folder where you save the file, type the following command in front of the prompt and press enter.python<filename>.py. For example–: if your fiil name is hello.py then you should type following command 👉 python.hello.py .
- It will compile and run your program you will see the output of the program in the terminal window.
Thank you so much friends it’s enough for today we’ll meet soon with our new blog post till then keep learning and keep exploring :-)
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