HTML Works As Web Application Structure :-
Table of Contents
First We have to know About HTML Tags.
HTML Tags:-
HTML tags are a set of Characters that are surrounded by symbols.HTML Tags make up your site effective. By the Help of HTML Tags, We can provide a structure of Web Page that shows on the Internet Browser.
Syntax :- <tagname>Content</tagname>
This <Tagname> is the Open tag Indication.
This </Tagname> is the close tag Indication.
This (Content) is the content on which Tags and its properties will apply.
Example :- <b>Prajjwal</b>.
Output :- Prajjwal content will show on browser window as Bold Words.
That Means:- All Characters in Prajjwal will show as Bold Characters. Tags doesn’t show on Browser until some characters are misspelled.
we have known about HTML Tags.
So now , we will know about HTML works as a web Application Structure.
Create a Web Structure :-
Collection of Some Tags provide to us a well Web structure to use Web Content efficiently.
We will be discussing about All HTML Tags in a next of the next Page.
First Tag { <HTML> or <html> }is used to create your First Building Block of your web Page.