Document Structure Tag:-

Note :- In this criteria , all Structural type html tags are defined.


This tag is used in the root of the HTML document which is used to specify that the document is in HTML form.
Assign Top of the HTML document  <HTML>  (Open tag Indication) .
Assign Bottom of the HTML document </HTML> (Close tag Indication) .
<html>Other tags </html>

2.<HEAD> :

This tag is used to contain some other HTML tags.
Like  (<meta>,<link>,<title>,<style>,<script>).All these tags are very important for HTML documents.
Syntax :-<HEAD>  Statments…. </HEAD>.
Example :-
<HEAD>Contain major tags</HEAD>

3.<TITLE> :

 This Tag is used to assign title of the any HTML Page.
Syntax :-  <TITLE>Statement</TITLE>.

4.<BODY> :-

This tag is used to define the body structure of the HTML document and contains other major (<img>,<h1>,<p>,etc.)
Syntax :-  <BODY>Statements…..</BODY>.
Example:-<BODY>document Body</BODY>

Container tags :-

In This Criteria , all those tags defined , which has abilities to contain other related tags in the form of child elements.Instead of this , These Tags can be used as a singular tag or parent-child relation tag.

1. Heading Tag <h1>:-

This Tag is used to define the heading parts of text content.This tag is the parent tag of all their child tags such as (<h2>,<h3>,<h4>,<h5>,<h6>).
Syntax :-  <h1> Statements…</h1>.
Example :- <h1>This is main Heading</h1>

2.Paragraph Tag <p> :-

This Tag is used to define the paragraph part of the text content.
Syntax:- <p>Statements….</p>
<p>  Hello Friends, This is my dream site ( This site can help you with more information about technical aspects. So friends this site contains major programming language courses and lots of information.</p>  // This is the end of paragraph

3.Emphasis Tag <em> :-

  This tag is used to define the major parts or solid part of any text paragraph.
Syntax:- <em>Statement….</em>
Example :-  This is my dream site <em></em>

4.Bold tag <B> :-

This tag is used to define the bold part of your contextual document.
Syntax :-  <B>statement. </B>
Example :-  Hello <B>World!!!</B>

5.Italic Tag  <I> :-

This Tag is used to define the Italic part of your Contextual document.
Syntax :-  <I> Statement</I>
Example :-  This is <i>Prajjwal Singh</i>

6.small(text) Tag <small> :-

This tag is used to define the small part of your contextual document.
Syntax :-  <small>Statement</small>.
Example :-  This is the <small>technical Information Site.</small>

7.Underline Tag <u> :-

This tag is used to define the underlined part of your contextual document.
Syntax :-  <u>Statement </u>
Example :-  This site domain name is <u></u>

8.Deleted Text tag <strike> :-

 This tag is used to define the deleted part or cut part of your cotextual document.
Syntax :-  <strike> Statements…  </strike>
Example :-This is your tech Home <strike>Buddies</strike>

9.Anchor Tag <a> :-

This tag is used to define the hyperlink part of your contextual documents or redirect the text part of your contextual document.
Syntax:- <a href=”link”>Statement</a>
Example :-  <a href=””>Google</a>

10.List Tag <li> :-

This Tag is used to listing the text document and multimedia document.
syntax :– <li>Statement</li>
Example :-  <li>First list</li>    <li>Second List</li>

 11.Ordered List tag <ol> : 

It is used to list the content in a particular order.This tag may be work as a parent container for list Tag <li>.
syntax :- <ol>Statements.</ol>
Example :- <ol><li>First List</li><li>Second List</li><li>Third List</li></ol>

 12.Unordered List tag: 

It is used to list the content without order.
Syntax :-   <ul>Statement.</ul>
Example :-<ul><li>First List</li><li>Second List</li></ul>

13.Comment tag:

It is used to set the comment in the HTML document. It is not visible on the browser.
Syntax :-  <!– statements –>
Example :-  <!–   This part is commented. –>

14.Scrolling Text Tag <marquee> :-

 This tag is used to define the Scrolling Area of text document.
Syntax :-  <marquee>Statements…</marquee>
Example :-  <marquee> This is HTML </marquee>

15.Center Tag <center> :-

It is used to set the content into the Center.
Syntax :- <center> Statements…..</center>
Example :- <center>This site contains lots of information.</center>

 16.Font tag <font> :-

This tag is used to define the font size, font color and font-family in the HTML document.
Syntax :-  <font>statement</font>
Example :-<font face=”algerian”>This is Your Tech Home</font>

  Empty (Non-container Tag) :

1.Line break Tag :-

This tag is used to break the line.
Syntax :-  Statement<br/>Statement
Example :-  This is <br/>Prajjwal Singh

 2.Image tag <img> :-

This tag is used to assign the image into the HTML document.
Syntax :-  <img src=”image source”/>
Example :-   <img src=”a.jpg”/>

3.Link tag <link> :-

 It is used to link the content from external sources.
Syntax :-  <link/>
Example :-  <link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”style.css”>

4.Horizontal Rule Tag <hr/> :-

This tag is used to define the horizontal line in the Html document.
Syntax :–  <hr/>
Example :-  <hr width=”80%” size=”2″>

5.Meta tag <meta> :-

This tag is used to specify the page description.
For example :- last modifier ,authors,etc.
Syntax :-  <meta>Statements….</meta><meta name=”Description” content=”site Description”><meta name=”keywords” content=”Keyword describe your site”>

Tables tags :-

1.Table tag <table> :-

 is used to create the table in the Html document.
Syntax :- <table>Statements</table>
Example :- <table border=”2″ cellpadding=”1″ cellspacing=”4″ width=”100%”><tr><td>Coulumn 1</td><td>Column 2</td></tr></table>

2.Tr tag <tr> :- 

define the row of the HTML table.
Syntax :-  <tr>Statements</tr>
Example :-<table> <tr><th>Name</th><th>Salary</th></tr><tr><td>Prajjwal Singh</td><td>35000Rs.</td></tr></table>

Input tags :-

1.Form Tag <form>  :-

It is used to create the HTML form for the user.
Syntax:-<form> Statements…. </form>
Example :-<form action=”bits.php”>Name :-<input type=”text”/><br>Password <input type=”password”/></br><input type=”submit” value=”Submit”></form>

2.Dropdown Option Tag <option>:-

This tag is used to the dropdown list in the form or HTML document.
Syntax :-<option>Statement</option>
Example :-  Option is :-<select><option>1</option><option>2</option><option>3</option></select>

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