What is RPA and it’s future uses
RPA( Robotic Process Automation) is a tool to accomplish the complex task easily in well manner. - Bittutech
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RPA( Robotic Process Automation) is a tool to accomplish the complex task easily in well manner. - Bittutech
A multithreaded program contains two or more parts that can run concurrently. Each part of such a program is called a thread. Multithreading is a specialized form of multitasking. At the present time, it is supported by virtually all modern operating systems.
Multiplexing is a technique to perform multiple conversations over the network through a single physical medium. For example- On television, multiple channels exist, but we can see only a single channel at a time through a single dish cable.
How to create a Fake email account for signing up any Registration form. we can sign up on any form with the help of this fake email address.
There are a lot of tools that exist in Kali Linux to jamming Someone's Wireless Network without associate with his/her Wi-Fi (Wireless Network).
Jam all wireless network using advanced tool MDK3 with Kali Linux. various major attributes are available with this tool. No major hardware is required.
RFC is a type of technology that is used to standardized the Internet Message Format. This technology is also used in Electronic-mail.
we are going to crack our neighbour's wi-fi password with Kali Linux tools such as airmon-ng, airodump-ng, aireplay-ng, and aircrack-ng.
Sniffing and Spoofing both are the spy agents mechanism that is also used to see the victim's confidential information over the network. We can use arpspoof, Dsniff to create a MITM attack.
Email System mainly contains two sub-systems, one is User-Agent, and the other is the message transfer agent also known as "Mail Servers".
electronic mail has been around for over three decades. Faster and cheaper than paper mail, email has been a popular application since the early days of the Internet.
DNS stands for Domain Name System. it sounds as it is the same. it is a type of mechanism to convert a numeric IP addresses to alphabetical(readable) naming.