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Full Overview of Electronic Mail

Computer Networking | Overview of electronic mail

Hello Techy Geeks, This is a post about full Overview of electronic mail, which is also known as e-mail. In this post, we will cover when and why electronic mail technology came and how it grew gradually from time to time. we also know that email technology is totally different from snail mail or paper mail.

Electronic Mail Faster and Cheaper

this post is going to be an interesting one, read the full post until the last line comes in front of your eyes, don’t skip and scroll the page without reading the content. we know that electronic mail has been around for over three decades. Faster and cheaper than paper mail, email has been a popular application since the early days of the Internet. Before 1990, it was mostly used in academia. During the 1990s, it became known to the public at large and grew exponentially, to the point where the number of emails sent per day now is vastly more than the number of snail mail(i.e paper) letters.

Electronic Mail still growing

Other forms of network communication, such as instant messaging and voice-over-IP calls have expanded greatly in use over the past decade, but email remains the workhorse of Internet communication. it is widely used within the industry for intracompany communication, for example, to allow far-flung employees all over the world to co-operate on complex projects. Unfortunately, like paper mail, the majority of email- some 9 out of 10 messages – is junk mail or spam (McAfee, 2010).

Electronic Mail has its own Conventions & Styles

Email, like most other forms of communication, has developed its own conventions and styles. It is very informal and has a low threshold of use. People who would never dream of calling up or even writing a letter to a very important person do not hesitate for a second to send a sloppily written
email to him or her. By eliminating most cues associated with rank, age, and gender, email debates often focus on content, not status. With email, a brilliant idea from a summer student can have more impact than a dump one from an executive vice president. Email has full of jargon such as BTW(By the Way), ROTFL(Rolling on the floor laughing), and IMHO(In my humble opinion), many people also
use little ASCII symbols called smileys, starting with the ubiquitous “:-)” rotate the screen 90 degrees clockwise if the symbol is unfamiliar. This symbol and other emoticons help to convey the tone of the message. They have spread to other terse forms of communications, such as instant messaging.

Electronic mail protocol changing

The email protocols have evolved during the period of their use, too. The first email systems simply consisted of file transfer protocols, with the conventions that the first line of each message(i.e, file) contained the recipient’s address. As time went on, email diverged from file transfer and many features were added, such as the ability to send one message to a list of recipients. Multimedia capabilities became important in the 1990s to send messages with images and other non-text material. Programs for reading email became much more sophisticated too, shifting from text-based to graphical user interfaces and adding the ability for users to access their mail from their laptops wherever they happen to be.

Electronic mail readers work as spam detector

Finally, with the prevalence of spam, mail readers and the mail transfer protocols must now pay attention to finding and removing unwanted emails. In our description of email, we will focus on the way that mail messages are moved between users, rather than the look and feel of mail reader programs. Nevertheless, after describing the overall architecture, we will begin with the user-facing part of the email system, as it is familiar to most readers.

Last Words:

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Prajjwal Singh

Tech Blogger || Web developer || Computer Networking Enthusiast || Microsoft SQL Database Management Expert || Software Debugger || Learned DOS OS Structure

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