Computer Networking | Overview of electronic mail
electronic mail has been around for over three decades. Faster and cheaper than paper mail, email has been a popular application since the early days of the Internet.
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electronic mail has been around for over three decades. Faster and cheaper than paper mail, email has been a popular application since the early days of the Internet.
In PHP, Cookies are used to store the Server's data onto the client machine. we can set and read the Cookies using PHP functions in our PHP Program.
CSS Dimension Property is used to set the fixed size for the element or we can say that this property allows the user to change the size of an element.
Sometimes Undeletable files may be spyware, malware, and ware or Trojan files. They are also normal file which is currently being used by the system and prevent them from being deleted.
Chromebooks are the special type of laptop/tablet that runs on Chrome OS and cloud-based storage, also known as always-connected Laptops.
CSS Outline Properties is an alternate for CSS border property but some limitations such as -
have you forgot your own wi-fi password or want to see other's wi-fi password in your laptop that is connected to your laptop?? you can do this by following a few simple steps in Windows 10
Ethernet Frame Format is defined in 6 parts and 1 classical part. Various additional definitions, structure, varients exists to the Ethernet.
you can buy a separate webcam or using your mobile phone as a webcam. you can use your smartphone as webcam through only one App(EpocCam).
Facebook Lite App has launched in 2015 with great in-built features for low-end devices and for those devices that support low RAM(less than 1 GB) and 2G internet connectivity.
Tunnelbear is a newer one in the VPN environment. This is very simpler VPN app for non-technical user and connect with this app server through one click.
For exporting a password information file as CSV format is easy for us, but importing a CSV file is not an easy deal.